Income Tax Cocktail


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Welcome to the world of the Income Tax Cocktail, a sophisticated blend that marries the classic gin martini with a citrusy twist. This cocktail is perfect for those who appreciate a touch of sweetness and a hint of bitterness in their drink. Whether you’re celebrating the end of tax season or just looking for a refreshing cocktail, the Income Tax Cocktail is sure to delight.

With its vibrant flavors and elegant presentation, this cocktail has a storied history and a taste that stands the test of time. In this post, we’ll explore everything from its origins to tips for making your own perfect Income Tax Cocktail. So, grab your shaker and let’s dive into this citrus-infused classic.

Key Facts About the Income Tax Cocktail

  • Alcohol Volume: Approximately 24% ABV (48 proof)
  • Calories: Approximately 160 kcal
  • Glass Type: Chilled martini glass
  • Garnish: Orange twist or wheel

Interesting Facts about the Income Tax Cocktail

The Income Tax Cocktail is often enjoyed during tax season, serving as a playful nod to the financial hustle and bustle. Its balance of sweet and dry vermouth reflects the balance one hopes to achieve in their tax filings. Additionally, the choice of gin can greatly influence the cocktail’s flavor, making it a drink with endless variations.

Income Tax Cocktail

Tasting Notes

The Income Tax Cocktail offers a harmonious blend of botanical gin and the herbal notes of vermouth, complemented by the sweetness of orange juice and the complexity of aromatic bitters. This cocktail is perfect for those who enjoy a drink with depth and character. It’s particularly suited for evening events or as a sophisticated after-dinner treat.

History of the Income Tax Cocktail

The origins of the Income Tax Cocktail are somewhat murky, but it’s believed to have been concocted during the early 20th century. It shares similarities with the Bronx Cocktail, another gin-based drink featuring vermouth and orange juice. The addition of bitters and the timing of its popularity have given the Income Tax Cocktail its distinct identity and seasonal association.

Income Tax Cocktail Ingredients

  • Gin (1 1/2 oz): Provides the botanical base of the cocktail.
  • Dry Vermouth (3/4 oz): Adds a dry, wine-like quality.
  • Sweet Vermouth (3/4 oz): Contributes a subtle sweetness.
  • Orange Juice (1 oz): Offers a fresh citrus note.
  • Aromatic Bitters (1 dash): Lends complexity and depth.
  • Garnish: An orange twist or wheel adds aroma and visual appeal.

Did you know? The Income Tax Cocktail’s balance of sweet and dry vermouth can be seen as a metaphor for finding the perfect balance in life.

Preparing Income Tax Cocktail

Income Tax Cocktail Method

The preparation of the Income Tax Cocktail is straightforward yet requires attention to detail. Begin by filling a cocktail shaker with ice to chill the ingredients. Measure and pour the gin, both vermouths, orange juice, and aromatic bitters into the shaker. Shake vigorously for about 15 seconds to ensure a well-chilled mixture.

Next, strain the cocktail into a chilled martini glass to maintain the desired temperature and texture. The final touch is the garnish—an orange twist or wheel not only adds a pop of color but also enhances the drink’s aroma.

Serving Suggestion

The Income Tax Cocktail is traditionally served in a chilled martini glass. The wide brim of the glass allows the aromas to reach the nose, enhancing the overall tasting experience. When preparing the garnish, ensure a clean cut to release the essential oils of the orange, which complement the botanicals in the gin.

Elevating the Income Tax Cocktail

  • Quality Ingredients: Opt for high-quality gin and fresh-squeezed orange juice for a superior taste.
  • Proper Chilling: Chill the martini glass beforehand to keep the cocktail at an optimal temperature.
  • Balance of Flavors: Adjust the ratio of sweet to dry vermouth to find the perfect balance for your palate.

Income Tax Cocktail Served

Substitutions and Alternatives for the Income Tax Cocktail

If you’re missing an ingredient or prefer a different taste, consider using a different type of citrus juice or experimenting with various bitters. For a non-alcoholic version, replace the gin with a non-alcoholic spirit and the vermouth with a non-alcoholic aperitif.

Similar cocktails include the Bronx Cocktail and the Martini, both of which share gin and vermouth as key ingredients.

Add a twist

For a modern take on the Income Tax Cocktail, try infusing the gin with additional botanicals or using a flavored vermouth. Another variation could involve a splash of soda water for a lighter, more effervescent drink.

Preferred Liquors for the Income Tax Cocktail

When selecting gin, consider brands like Tanqueray or Bombay Sapphire for their distinct flavor profiles. The choice of vermouth is equally important, with brands like Noilly Prat or Carpano Antica offering high-quality options.

Similar Cocktails to the Income Tax Cocktail

If you enjoy the Income Tax Cocktail, you might also like the Negroni, which features gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari. Another similar cocktail is the Aviation, which includes gin, maraschino liqueur, and lemon juice.

Food Pairings to go with the Income Tax Cocktail

The Income Tax Cocktail pairs well with light appetizers such as smoked salmon canapés or cheese platters. For a more adventurous pairing, try spicy Asian-inspired dishes to contrast the cocktail’s citrus notes.

Income Tax Cocktail FAQs

Can I make the Income Tax Cocktail without orange juice? While orange juice is a key ingredient, you can substitute it with another citrus juice if necessary.

Is it better to shake or stir the cocktail? Shaking the cocktail ensures it’s thoroughly chilled and slightly aerated, but stirring can result in a clearer drink.

Can I use only one type of vermouth? The combination of sweet and dry vermouth is essential for the cocktail’s balance, but you can adjust the ratios to taste.

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Income Tax Cocktail

The Income Tax Cocktail is a delightful twist on the classic Gin Martini, with the addition of orange juice and aromatic bitters to give it a unique and refreshing flavor profile. It's the perfect choice for those looking to enjoy a sophisticated, citrusy cocktail.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
0 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Cocktail
Servings 1 cocktail
Calories 160 kcal


  • Cocktail shaker
  • Jigger
  • Strainer
  • Martini glass


  • 1 1/2 oz Gin
  • 3/4 oz Dry Vermouth
  • 3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth
  • 1 oz Orange Juice
  • 1 dash Aromatic Bitters
  • Orange twist or wheel for garnish


  • Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
  • Pour the gin, dry vermouth, sweet vermouth, orange juice, and aromatic bitters into the shaker.
  • Shake well until the mixture is well-chilled, about 15 seconds.
  • Strain the cocktail into a chilled martini glass.
  • Garnish with an orange twist or wheel.


The Income Tax Cocktail can also be stirred instead of shaken if a clearer drink is preferred. The choice of gin can affect the flavor profile, so feel free to experiment with different brands to suit your taste.
Keyword bitters, Citrus Cocktail, Classic Cocktail, Easy Cocktail Recipe, Gin Cocktail, Income Tax Cocktail, Martini Variation, orange juice, Vermouth

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